How A Physiotherapist Can Help You

Whether due to ageing, workplace accidents, or playing sports, injuries can disrupt your life in a big way. So, it’s imperative that you look to treat them as soon as you can. It will give you the best chance of enjoying a full recovery or managing the symptoms effectively.

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While several natural remedies may be used to support your recovery, physiotherapy is often a necessity. Here are four common health complaints that a physiotherapist can help you through.

Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common physical health complaints in modern society. An estimated 23% of the world’s adult population suffers from chronic lower back pain. Thanks to office lifestyles, millions of people begin to experience the symptoms at a younger age than ever before.

While back pain may be treated with medications, postural correctors, and other ideas, physios are the best option. A range of exercises can help reduce pain and restore movement to the patient’s back. Some benefits will be seen instantly. Following a personalised plan should yield long-term improvements.

Neck & Shoulder Pain

Whether it’s acute or chronic neck and shoulder pain, it can have a hugely restrictive impact on your life. Working with a dedicated physiotherapy team will help identify the reasons for the pain. Following this, it is possible to develop a bespoke rehabilitation strategy to help restore comfort and movement.

Soft tissue massage, joint mobilisations, and home-based exercises may work alongside lifestyle changes. In most cases, a long-term plan is needed to complete a full recovery from sporting injuries or road accidents. However, a full analysis of your current range of movement is a key first step to success. 

Knee Pain

Knee pains can be attributed to a host of issues, including obesity. For example, losing 10lbs can take 40lbs of pressure off of your knees. However, it could also be due to arthritis, a direct impact injury, or a range of other factors. For youngsters, Osgood-Schlatter disease is another potential issue.

Either way, a physio can use massage and engage pressure points to reduce your pain. They can also complete a range of stretches and exercises to help restore flexibility and stability to the knee. If knee paint is the source of your problem, professional advice from a physiotherapist is essential.

Ankle Pain

When you experience ankle injuries and pain, it can make you prone to trips and falls. Worse still, your body’s natural attempts at compensating for the pain could lead to a change in your gait. Unfortunately, this can place added pressure on other joints and create a severe imbalance. So, you should get checked by a physiotherapist ASAP.

Towel stretches, calf stretches, and strengthening exercises can be used to treat sprains and other injuries. Crucially, though, you must ensure that any plan is built to reflect your requirements and injury. For that reason, working with an in-person local physiotherapist is the best choice by far.


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